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Residential Pest Control

Our Services
Residential Pest Control

Charlotte, NC Residential Pest Control Services

Residential services are essential to Remedy Pest Control’s mission to protect our community from unwanted nuisances. We understand that your home is your sanctuary, and we strive to provide top-quality services to ensure its safety, comfort, and functionality.

With our team of experts with in-depth knowledge and experience in the residential sector, we are committed to delivering authoritative solutions that provide not just temporary relief but also a long-term solution to your pest concerns.

Our PESTGuard Process

At Remedy Pest Control, we pride ourselves on our rapid response to your needs, understanding that time is of the essence when dealing with pest invasions. Our dedicated team is geared to act swiftly, ensuring that from the moment you reach out, we are on the path to restoring the peace and comfort of your home.

Our process begins with a comprehensive inspection and assessment of your property. This initial step allows us to identify the pests present and their potential entry points and nesting sites. Following the inspection, we devise a customized treatment plan to target the pests invading both on the interior and exterior of your property. Our PESTGuard treatments employ eco-friendly and low-toxicity solutions, ensuring your family’s and pets’ safety while effectively addressing your pest concerns.

Our residential service goes beyond the initial treatment. Regular monitoring and follow-up visits are crucial to eradicating pests and preventing future infestations. We offer professional advice and tips for a pest-free home, from sealing entry points to simple housekeeping practices. Get equipped to keep unwanted guests away.

Comprehensive Pest Control

We have you covered no matter what kind of pest you’re battling. We help combat a variety of pests, including:

Commercial Pest Control

Our approach is strategic and meticulous for homeowners confronting ant infestations. We focus on eradicating visible ants and targeting their colonies to prevent future invasions. Our team employs baiting techniques and barrier protections that are specially formulated to disrupt the ant life cycle, ensuring a comprehensive and lasting solution.

Wasps & Other Stinging Insects

We use a combination of eco-friendly sprays and specialized traps to successfully get rid of these stinging pests without causing harm to you or the environment.


Our advanced techniques and powerful treatments eliminate cockroaches from your home while tackling their hiding places. Our long-lasting solutions ensure that these pesky insects won’t return to plague your space.


Our experts are well-versed in identifying and treating spider infestations. We use targeted spraying techniques and dusting treatments to eradicate spiders while providing preventative measures against future invasions.

Affordable Comfort For Your Home

At Remedy Pest Control, we believe in affordable home pest protection. Because we aim to remedy the problem on our first visit, our residential services offer great value, making high-quality pest control accessible. We use cost-effective strategies and customize solutions for efficient, quality service. Plus, if your problem persists, we’re happy to visit outside of our regular monthly/quarterly schedule. Choose us for long-term, economically smart pest management, prioritizing your home’s safety and peace of mind.

Safeguard Your Home Today

Don’t let pests disrupt the comfort and tranquility of your home. Contact Remedy Pest Control today to arrange a comprehensive pest control service tailored to your specific needs. Our team of dedicated local experts is devoted to ensuring your home remains a sanctuary free from unwanted intruders, providing you with the peace of mind you deserve.

Service Plans

Contact Us To Learn How You Can Save!

Remedy Pest Control brings to you eco-friendly and sustainable
solutions utilizing methods that won’t disrupt the environment.
All PESTGuard Premium home services includes interior and
exterior pest management.

Our Services

Pest Control
Pest Control

Call Us Today or
Online to
Begin Your
Pest-Free Life!

We know that pests can negatively impact your business
image and will work hard to resolve problems as efficiently
and discretely as possible.

Contact Us Today

(704) 464-4944

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