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Charlotte, NC Mosquito Treatments

Reclaim your backyard. Let Remedy help you take back your outdoor spaces this mosquito season, starting at $65 per treatment.

Turn your outdoor space into a bite-free zone

Everybody knows that mosquitoes suck (technically speaking, of course). Remedy Pest Control offers reliable and cost-effective mosquito prevention solutions that allow you to take full advantage of outdoor living during the warm Carolina months. Guess what? Our mosquito treatments help with fleas and ticks, too!

Commercial Pest Control
No More Bites!

We want you to be delighted with our service. Remedy guarantees that your yard will be free of mosquitoes during the treatment period. If you’re not completely satisfied with our work, we’ll reinspect your property and, if necessary, retreat your yard at no additional cost.

A More Effective Solution

Other mosquito control companies usually just “show up and spray.” Remedy’s all-in-one treatment includes the application of insect growth regulator (IGR) granules to standing water and other breeding areas on every visit. This extra step drastically improves the effectiveness of our treatments by preventing larval mosquitoes from developing into blood-sucking adults. We’ll also offer suggestions on how you can help (for example, tip-over buckets and toys that hold standing water) between visits. Together, we’ll seriously improve your outdoor living situation!

In2Care Mosquito Station

The In2Care Mosquito Station showcases our dedication to sustainable and innovative pest management solutions. This system is particularly effective against diseases such as Dengue, Chikungunya, Yellow Fever, West Nile, and Zika virus. It features a distinctive larvicide auto-dissemination approach that significantly decreases Aedes larvae and overall mosquito populations. This power-free, low-maintenance solution is backed by credible, published field research. For optimal effectiveness, we recommend placing the In2Care Mosquito Station in shaded, lush areas, marking a significant advancement in eco-friendly pest control.

Everything’s better without mosquitoes

Remedy’s outdoor barrier spray treatments also effectively protect your family and pets from fleas and ticks. Our quick-dry solutions allow you to seize the day and get back to the great outdoors with minimal disruption. Remedy’s every-three-week service includes the following steps:

  • Inspection – We inspect your property for harborage (shady areas and heavy foliage) and breeding sites (standing or stagnant water).
  • Pre-treatment – Our qualified technician will identify items that you should cover or remove from the yard prior to treatment. Irrigation systems should be paused an hour before we begin.
  • Treatment – The fast-acting treatment solution will be applied to all potential harborage areas or locations with little air movement, including trees, foliage, shrubs, and the eaves of your home. We’ll also apply IGR granules by hand to damp areas around your yard.
  • Post-treatment – Within a few days, the barrier treatment will begin to eliminate adult mosquitoes, and the long-lasting residual control will help to break their reproductive cycle. You can help by eliminating standing water and keeping foliage well-trimmed.
mosquito bite graphic
Service Plans
Service Plans

Service Plans

Contact Us To Learn How You Can Save!

Remedy Pest Control offers a range of effective solutions tailored
to your preferences, including eco-friendly and sustainable methods
designed to minimize environmental impact. Our PESTGuard
Premium home services provide comprehensive interior and exterior
pest management, with options for both environmentally conscious
treatments and traditional solutions to meet your specific needs.

Our Services

Residential Pest Control
Pest Control
Commercial Pest Control
Pest Control
Rodent Control

Call Us Today or
Online to
Begin Your
Pest-Free Life!

We know that pests can negatively impact your business
image and will work hard to resolve problems as efficiently
and discretely as possible.

Contact Us Today

(704) 464-4944

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